Category Archives: Doggy Dibs

Doggy Dibs



I welcome the new series DOGGY DIBS! 

THE FIRST THINGY IS ABOUT BAKING!  DOG TREATS ARE HERE! The dog treats are made out of peanut butter, graham crackers, and bananas! Yummy! I know what you are thinking, “My dogs hates bananas.” NO PROBLEM AS LONG AS YOUR DOG LOVES PEANUT BUTTER! 😀 GO GET THAT FOODDDD! YOUR DOG IS STARVING!

Step one: Get one knife, peanut butter, grand crackers, and bananas.

Step two: Crack off some of the cracker. It should be about an inch wide and an inch long. After that crack that piece and try to make it even.

Step three: Cover the grand cracker with peanut butter.

Step four: Slice the bananas thin, so your dog does not choke and place the bananas on the peanut butter!



Your dog might spit out the treat, but then try to eat it again. I suggest making them kind of small, so your dog can eat it without a problem! 😀


This is what the treat looks like! 😀